At Auckland Airport Pet Services we strive to give you the best service to transport your precious pet to any destination in the UK or Malta.
Servicing Auckland International Airport to wherever in the world you are going – U.K., Europe, Australia, North and South America, Asia.
So for the best deal in pet transport to the U.K. get a quote here or call us now on +64 09 216 6011.
Please read the following information carefully as it contains important details on pet transport to UK.
1. Statutory authority
Pursuant to section 60 of the Animal Products Act 1999, I notify the following overseas market access requirements, entitled Non-commercial Dogs and Cats to the United Kingdom and Malta.
This notice takes effect from the 1st of January 2012.
Dated at Wellington on this day of December 2011.
Matthew Stone BVSc MVS MANZCVSc
Director Animal and Animal Products
Standards Branch
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
(pursuant to delegated authority)
2. United Kingdom Requirements
Dogs and cats exported from New Zealand to the United Kingdom and Malta must comply with the import requirements of the United Kingdom and Malta listed in this notice as follows:
2.1 An Import Permit is required for Malta only.
2.2 An Official Veterinarian of New Zealand must certify the following:
2.2.1 A microchip is implanted in the animal; (number, location, and date of implant).
2.2.2 The animal has been vaccinated against rabies; (manufacturer and name of vaccine, batch number, vaccination date, validity). The animal must be 3 months old at the time of rabies vaccination.
2.2.3 The certificate must be accompanied by supporting documentation, or a certified copy of it, including vaccination details. This documentation must bear identification details of the animal concerned.
2.2.4 For dogs only has been treated, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, between 24 and 120 hours prior to its scheduled date of arrival with a praziquantel-based product effective against Echinococcus multilocularis; (manufacturer and name of product, date and time of treatment, name, details and signature of Veterinarian must be completed)
- The animal must be first microchipped and then vaccinated against rabies.
- The animal can only be exported twenty-one (21) days after the rabies vaccination.
3. Revocations
OMAR B DOMANIEC.UK dated 30.03.05 – Non-Commercial Dogs and Cats to the United Kingdom and Malta is revoked and replaced by this OMAR notification.
4. Definitions
For the purposes of this document:
Any term or expression that is defined in the Animal Products Act 1999 and used, but not defined in this document, has the same meaning as in this Act.
Explanatory note
This OMAR is based on the export certificate for non-commercial dogs and cats to the United Kingdom and Malta
Additional Information on OMAR Notification: DOMANIEC.UK 01.01.12
1. No Import Permit is required for the United Kingdom.
2. Pet animals entering Malta require an Import Licence issued by the Veterinary Regulation Directorate: Telephone: +356-21650393, Fax: 00356-21650273, e-mail address:
3. Owners of pet animals entering Malta are obliged to contact the Veterinary Regulation, details as above, to notify the arrival of their pet animals, at least three days before the animal’s arrival in Malta.
4. If the microchip does not comply with ISO standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO standard 11785, the owner, or exporter responsible on behalf of the owner, must provide the necessary means for reading the microchip at inspection in the importing country.
5. Clause 2.2.4 – For dogs only – treatment must be done 24-120 hours prior to its scheduled arrival time. Travel time is approximately 24 hours, therefore it is recommended this treatment is done 0-96 hours before the scheduled time of arrival. (Cats no longer require this treatment.)
6. If an animal has been previously vaccinated, it must be given booster vaccinations to remain qualified for the Pet Travel Scheme. This must be done by the “Valid until” date on the animal’s EU pet passport, third country veterinary certificate or PETS certificate and recorded in section IV of the third country official veterinary certificate and on the animal’s vaccination record. The revaccination interval for cats may be different to that for dogs (refer to the vaccine manufacturer’s data sheet). Booster vaccinations are valid for entry to the UK and other EU countries from the date given provided they are given on time (according to the instructions in the vaccine manufacturer’s data sheet where the previous vaccination was given).
7. The export certificate is only valid for 4 months after the Official Veterinarian has signed the export certificate or until the expiry date of the vaccine, whichever is earlier.
8. Animals not eligible for importation under this OMAR may still be imported into Malta. Further information about quarantine in Malta can be obtained from the Veterinary Regulation Directorate: Telephone: +356-21650393, Fax: 00356-21650273, e-mail
9. Any dog/cat entering the UK which does not meet all the UK requirements must be licensed into quarantine. The dog/cat may be released from the date it can be shown to comply with the rules. To license your pet into quarantine, you must get an import licence from DEFRA (for England), Scottish Government (for Scotland) or DARD (for Northern Ireland) before it travels to the UK. The licence must accompany the dog/cat when it travels. A copy of the boarding document for quarantine needs to be presented to the MAF Official Veterinarian prior to export.
10. The non-commercial export certificate allows a maximum of 5 cats or dogs to be exported to the UK at one time.
Section 61.A of the Animal Products Amendments Act 2005 states that ‘The Crown is not liable, and nor is the Director-General or any employee of the Ministry liable, for any loss arising through the refusal or failure of the relevant authority of an overseas market to admit export animal material or animal product to that market’.
We look forward to helping you with your pet transport NZ to the UK. We are pet transport to United Kingdom experts.