At Auckland Airport Pet Services we strive to give you the best service to transport your precious pet to any destination in Honk Kong.
Servicing Auckland International Airport to wherever in the world you are going – Hong Kong, Asia, Australia, U.K., Europe, North and South America.
So for the best deal in pet transport to Hong Kong get a quote here or call us now on +64 09 216 6011.
Please read the following information carefully as it contains important details on pet transport to Hong Kong.
1. Statutory authority
Pursuant to section 60 of the Animal Products Act 1999,
(i) I notify the following overseas market access requirements, entitled cats and dogs to Hong Kong
(ii) Revoke OMAR B DOMANIEC.HK 12.08.05.
This notice takes effect from date of signing.
Dated at Wellington on this 25th day of June 2009.
Signed: Matthew Stone BVSc MACVSc MVS (Epidemiology)
Group Manager
Animal Imports and Exports
Border Standards Directorate
MAF Biosecurity New Zealand
(pursuant to delegated authority)
2. Hong Kong Requirements
Cats and dogs exported from New Zealand to Hong Kong must comply with the import requirements of Hong Kong listed in this notice as follows:
2.1 An Import Permit is required to export cats and dogs to Hong Kong.
2.2 A Registered Veterinarian authorised by the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry must certify, after due enquiry, the following:
2.2.1 In the case of cats and dogs: The animal has been continuously resident in New Zealand during the 180 days prior to the scheduled date of export or since birth. The animal is not more than 4 weeks pregnant at the scheduled time of export.
2.2.2 In the case of a cat: The cat has been fully vaccinated not less than 10 days and not more than one year before the scheduled date of export against feline panleucopenia (infectious enteritis) and feline respiratory disease complex (cat flu). Date of vaccination, date for next booster and vaccine used.
2.2.3 In the case of a dog: The dog has been fully vaccinated not less than 10 days and not more than one year before the scheduled date of export against canine distemper, canine parvovirus, and infectious canine hepatitis. Date of vaccination, date for next booster and vaccine used.
2.3 An Official Veterinarian of New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry must certify, after due enquiry, that:
2.3.1 No case of rabies has ever occurred in New Zealand.
2.3.2 The animal as specified in the export certificate has been examined and found to be in good health, fit to travel and free from ectoparasites and clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease at the time of export.
2.3.3 He/she has no reason to doubt the information supplied in the registered veterinarian’s declaration.
2.4 The Owner/Exporter of the animal as specified in the export certificate, must declare that:
2.4.1 The animal is free of any quarantine restrictions imposed by the New Zealand government authority.
2.4.2 The animal has been continuously resident in New Zealand for at least 180 days immediately preceding the scheduled date of export or since birth at the address(es) listed on the export certificate.
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document:
Any term or expression that is defined in the Animal Products Act 1999 and used, but not defined in this document, has the same meaning as in this Act.
Explanatory note
This OMAR is based on the export certificate for cats and dogs to Hong Kong, dated 15 June 2009.
Additional Information on OMAR Notification: DOMANIEC.HKG 15.06.09
1. This OMAR replaces the previous one dated 12 August 2005 and has been updated according to Form No: VC-DC1. It was approved by the Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) on 23 June 2009.
2. An Import Permit is required and can be obtained from:
Agricultural, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices
303 Cheung Sha Wan Road
3. Import Permits are valid for 6 months and for one consignment only.
4. This certificate is valid for 14 days from the date of each of the veterinarian’s signatures.
5. A separate veterinary certificate is required for each individual animal.
6. A copy of the vaccination records must be attached to the certificate.
7. The animals must be permanently identified with a microchip, preferably an AVID encrypted microchip. Animals identified by other microchips will be rechipped on entry to Hong Kong.
8. Dogs do not have to be vaccinated against rabies before shipment. However under Hong Kong law any dog over 5 months of age must be licensed on arrival and a condition for licensing is that they are vaccinated against rabies. Hence dogs over 5 months of age will be vaccinated upon arrival in Hong Kong.
9. Animals transhipping Hong Kong (involving a change of airport or mode of transport in Hong Kong) require an import permit. If the animal remains in the same aircraft or vessel, an Import Permit is not required. However, the requirements imposed by the destination country must be complied with.
Section 61.A of the Animal Products Amendments Act 2005 states that ‘The Crown is not liable, and nor is the Director-General or any employee of the Ministry liable, for any loss arising through the refusal or failure of the relevant authority of an overseas market to admit export animal material or animal product to that market’.